Paturpat S.Coop. was created in 2016 by Udapa as a way to meet new and developing consumer trends by creating food products that are easy to prepare, nutritional and healthy. Udapa was created in 1993 as a unique cooperative project. The union between Propaco (an agricultural cooperative), Proagral (associated work cooperative) and Laboral Kutxa (a credit cooperative) leads to the creation of Udapa, a cooperative project that aims to professionalise the production processes and sale of fresh potatoes. After painstaking research by our in-house team and with the support of some of the leading technological centres in the food sector, Paturpat was launched in 2016 with a wide range of ready-prepared potato products. At the end of 2017, Paturpat is awarded with the Lanzadera Award at Fruit Attraction, the most prestigious fruit and vegetable exhibition in the State, for being the best innovation and entrepreneurship project in the fruit and vegetable sector. All the potatoes are provided by Udapa, which guarantees that the potatoes come directly from our fields, and that they are high quality products and totally reliable. Our products are designed for industry, Food Service and retail.