With more than 300 Industry Members including 66 large companies, 96 SMEs, 19 regional clusters (representing an more than 90 additional SMEs), BIC brings together an authoritative pool of cross-sector and multi-disciplinary expertise in the field of bio-based industries. BIC’s industrial members have all committed to invest in collaborative research, development and demonstration of bio-based technologies within the CBE JU. 
BIC also has over 250 Associate Members including Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs), universities, European associations and organisations. Technology Platforms (ETPs), public institutions, regional organisations and private banks.

What type of membership do we offer?


Industry / Full Member

Industry / Full Membership is open to industrial and commercial companies, or any other kind of legal entity representing industrial and commercial companies, which are active in the field of bio-based industries: 

Active in Europe through either research, innovation or demonstration along the value chain and actively involved in building businesses and business cases to contribute to a more competitive, efficient and sustainable Europe. 

More specific: Active in the field of the production, logistics, or transformation and/or processing of biomass, including waste/residues (e.g. via biorefineries) with existing and new processes into a spectrum of innovative marketable products and energy and as such actively taking part or building new innovative bio-based value chains. Industry (Full) Members can be large companies, SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises and micro-enterprises), or regional/national SME clusters.


What rights do I have as Industry / Full Member?

General Assembly

Attending or being represented at all meetings of the General Assembly


Voting at all General Assembly meetings

Calling for meetings

Calling for special and/or extraordinary meetings of the General Assembly


Participating in the activities of the Association, such as Working Groups, with voting rights


Being eligible for chairperson of Working Groups


Participating in matchmaking and networking events