Image Agriculture and Agri-food


Logo Biomasa Peninsular
Headquarters: Spain
Type: Micro enterprise
Sector: Agriculture and Agri-food
Waste Management & Treatment


BIOMASA is a Spanish group dedicated to the treatment and recycling of bio-waste, as well as the production of compost, bio-based and recovered fertilizers and biofuels. 

Since 2001, an intense activity of recycling and production services has been developed in its complete cycle: transport, treatment and recycling, in addition to its commercial distribution. Its vocation and natural position within the bioeconomy sector and the experience it has acquired facilitate its growth and diversification from recycling activities towards industrial production of biomass-based and recovered fertilizers and solid biofuels. 

The main elements used as a differentiation and competitiveness strategy are the promotion of training and knowledge, the development of relationships with associations and institutions, as well as a firm commitment to innovation bio-based products and solutions with high environmental quality. 

BIOMASA has participated in the design, organization and operation of Recycling Centers in many Spanish cities. It currently operates 4 Recycling Centers, with 170,000 m2 of facilities and a treatment capacity of 140,000 t/y. 

1. “El Salao” Composting Plant. Vegas del Genil (Granada), 

2. “Montes Orientales” Composting Plant. Darro (Granada). 

3. “Algodor” Center for R&D&i and Experimental Production. Toledo, 

4. "The Raigal". Composting Plant. Almonte (Huelva). 

We also participate in different technical Sector Platforms and Associations, such as: 

Our services are addressed at municipalities and regional administrations, as well as agro-industries and pulp and paper, biodiesel and biomass to energy plants, bio-industries and the agricultural and livestock sector. Our promotion and compromise with the circular economy contributes to a more sustainable society, reducing pollution and the consumption of natural resources. 

BIOMASA operates Algodor R&D&i and Experimental Production Centre, in Toledo municipality, nearby Madrid where different R&d&i prototypes and pilots are installed and tested, also for demonstration purposes. “Algodor Centre” is equipped with two pilot composting plants, an Anaerobic Digestion Pilot Plant, one Blending line for solid fertilisers and will host an “Alkaline Thermolisys Pilot Plant” from Project LIFE EBP, to elaborate/formulate different bio-based fertilisers and soil improvers. And also a series of auxiliary facilities and equipment that include 8,000 m2 of paved floors and 2,800 m of industrial warehouses, including offices, scale, and experimental production warehouses.