
10th BIC Matchmaking Event is best yet!

The annual BIC Matchmaking Event (MME) took place on 8 February. It was the tenth year that BIC has organised this event for all BIC members. It was also our most successful edition to date! 

BIC Matchmaking Event 2024

More than 270 participants came to Brussels for a day of presentations, pitches, posters, workshops and more than 1,000 1-to-1 meetings - a record amount.

The plenary included a presentation on rules and practicalities of the upcoming CBE JU open call.

A variety of topics around the themes of the calls (and pre-selected by BIC members) were covered in 12 workshops, including on coatings, cooperation on agriculture and forest, biotech to replace animal derivatives, solvents and more.

Attendees at the MME were able to either pitch their organisations or listen to these pitches to learn more about fellow BIC members.

For the first time, BIC members could showcase their organisations by bringing a poster for a dedicated poster wall.

The presentations from the workshops are available exclusively to BIC members in the BIC Members Area. 

You can watch this video to get a glimpse of the day and see the event photos here. For BIC members, the matchmaking continues online - use the BIC Members Area to get in touch with fellow BIC Members any time.