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A new EU bioeconomy strategy and action plan: Calling for tangible action to scale up the circular bioeconomy

In light of changes in the economic and political context in the EU, with more emphasis on climate change mitigation, circular economy and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, the EU bioeconomy strategy and action plan are to be updated by the European Commission in 2018.

Bio-based industries will play an important role in spurring sustainable growth and boosting Europe’s competitiveness by re-industrialising and revitalising rural and coastal areas.

BIC believes the EU should seize the opportunity to aim for an ambitious and action-oriented bioeconomy strategy update, taking into account the following:

  1. Don’t stop the innovation train: To maintain the EU leadership role in the bioeconomy, continued investment and a second round of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking - BBI 2.0. - are necessary. Stopping now would mean losing out on investments already made.
  2. The EU should champion the bioeconomy: The bioeconomy helps the EU lead in delivering on its circular economy and low-carbon economy goals, as well as on most of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
  3. Make the EU Bioeconomy Strategy tangible for consumers and businesses and capable of delivering concrete consumer benefits: Promote bio-based products and raise public awareness in order to create an EU internal market for sustainable alternatives to fossil-based products.
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BIC, 2018