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Impact of the BBI JU

The BIC position paper “The BBI JU – An Institutional PPP supporting the Bioeconomy Strategy” describes the current and future impacts of the Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU).

The BBI JU - a unique Joint Undertaking - aims to invest € 3.7 billion in bio-based innovation between 2014 and 2020: € 975 million have been committed by the European Commission and € 2.7 billion by the private sector. Already today, for every euro of public funding BBI JU expects to leverage € 4,4 of private financial contributions: in the first 3 years, bio-based industries have reported € 192 million in-kind operational project contributions and € 1.95 billion of additional activities. The BBI JU contributes to green growth in Europe, reindustrialisation and development of rural areas, and helps the transition towards a Circular and Low Carbon Economy creating new markets for bio-based products and finding synergies between European financial instruments.

Report details
Published by
BIC, 2017