BIC Annual Report 2015
This is BIC’s first Annual Report and 2015 was a significant year for both BIC and the BBI JU (Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking).
We successfully raised BIC’s profile through a range of activities and achieved a series of important milestones, including:
Funding was approved for the first ten bioeconomy projects, including two demonstration projects and one flagship project. The BBI JU is contributing €50 million and industry is investing an additional €70 million
The largest ever BBI JU Call for Proposals was launched with a total budget of over €206 million, split into two parts. In October 2015, the BBI JU became an independent body with its own staff and offices. The BBI JU now manages its own budget and launches its own Calls for Proposals, grants and public procurement
Survey results from research into investment hurdles in Europe by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and BIC members will be published in early 2016. The research results will feed into a concrete plan of action on how to stimulate further investment in the European bioeconomy
Annual Report